Hello February

In My Bloodstream: Lisinopril,  Amlodopine,  Omeprazole, Tamsulosin
On The Stereo: Feels Like Home: Chantal Kreviazuk


After last week's conversation about hugs,  I was truly thankful for the numerous notes from friends, sending me hugs by e-mail.  It made me happy.  And it made me grateful for having you in my life.

Then, on Friday, funny things happened.  After school, at about 5:30, Kathy was picking up a pizza at Guido's.  As usual, they were slammed and she, and many others, were in line, waiting for their orders.  A lady struck up a conversation, which carried on for a considerable time.  Kat told me she looked quite old, and surmised her to be in her nineties.  Then, she demurred, and upon rethinking, believed she would likely be in her seventies.  I am 73, and was not impressed with Kathy's attitude on those of us, who are slightly older than she.  God knows what she says about me, when I am not around.

In any event, the "old lady" gave Kat a huge hug, along with a note, which Kath so nicely typed for me.  The neuropathy emboldened in my left hand still causes me to correct any word in which resides letters resident on the left side of the keyboard.  Kath told the lady that her husband is a strong proponent of hugs, and that he would have heartily approved.  All true.

                       A Hug

It's wondrous what a hug can do,
A hug can cheer you when you're blue.

A hug can say,  "I love you so."
Or,  "Gee, I hate to see you go."

A hug is "Welcome back again."
"Great to see you.  Where've you been?"

A hug can soothe a small child's pain
And bring a rainbow after rain.

The hug!  There's just no doubt about it!
We scarcely could survive without it!

A hug delights and warms and charms.
It must be why God gave us arms.

Hugs are great for fathers and mothers,
Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers.

And chances are your uncles and aunts
Love them more than potted plants.

Kittens crave them.
Puppies love them.

A hug can break the language barrier
And make your travels so much merrier.

No need to fret about your store of them:
The more you give, the more there's more of them.

So stretch those arms without delay
And give someone a hug today.

(author unknown)

Rough poetry, certainly, but meaningful, nonetheless.

And on Friday, we were joined for pizza and bridge, by Paul and Donna, Kathy's cousin.  Ill health has kept her from being with us for the past three months.  We were so thankful to be together again.  And we hugged, and we hugged and we hugged.  And I know that we all were the better for it.

My bride's Humira arrived during the day on Friday.  I put it in the refrigerator, as requested, until Saturday morning, at which time I prepared and provided her first injection.   She was apprehensive about the pain, of which she had been forewarned.  With my depth of knowledge of all things prickish, and my acquired skills, she did not feel any discomfort whatsoever.  Mission accomplished. The next injection is set for the 15th and after that, she should begin to feel some improvement.  We can only hope.

My multiple wounds are stubborn in their healing.  I continue to be housebound, and am trying to confine any energetic movements, to give time to create and remove scabs.  The oozing will not subside.  To exacerbate matters, a new hole, the size of a dime, appeared from nothing, on the back of my head.  Blood on my pillow on Saturday morning provided the evidence.  I did not feel a thing, nor did I know there was a weak spot,  ready to break open.  I intend to give it time to heal on its own, before I contact my doctor.  If it does not improve, then that would be a warning sign of a new cancer.  We will wait and see.

Despite not getting out for golf, or any mildly vigorous exercise, Kath and I had a good weekend together.  We played some games and watched crazy golf from Phoenix and then, on Sunday evening, we watched the Super Bowl.  We usually watch the game with friends, but this year we flew solo.  It was still fun.  Today, I caught a bit of impeachment on television, and I might watch a snippet of the Iowa caucus later tonight.  To be determined.

Stephanie's birthday was on Saturday, and Kristin's today.  Three years apart.  We sang the birthday song to them, each on their day.  A long-standing custom, with voices that could only inspire laughter.    We love them and talk of them and their families often.

Every new day offers opportunity and hope.  Stay well and fight any demons which may torment your life.  Avoid negativity and embrace those who offer you love.

Thank you and we will talk again next week.


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