
In My Bloodstream: Lisinopril,  Amlodopine,  Omeprazole, Tamsulosin
On The Stereo: Gotta Be Patient: Michael Buble    

This week I decided to leave my quarantined life aside, and talk about something that has been dogging me for a long time.  Loyalty.

I am sure we all have stories of our loyalty to others and someone's loyalty to you.  Loyalty, devotion,  or allegiance, are all thought to be favorable traits.  They are the direct result of our faith, and even love.  Our attachment to our country, religion and schools are qualities we see every day.  In this house, especially on Saturday afternoons, when Alabama is playing football.

The maintenance of boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives, requires most, if not all of our love.  Since our personal love stories may be wrought with peccadilloes, missteps, and secrets, I will restrict my comments to easier and less risky matters.

We expect our military to defend their country and more importantly, their own comrades.  Doctors must defend their Hippocratic oath.  And most first responders will work until exhaustion takes hold.  Their loyalties are strong and true.  And we all depend on their commitment to their duties.

The world is a better place when we all do the right thing.  When we have backbone and determination.  When we are loyal to the right cause.

Sometimes we slip.  We are fallible.  Our misdeeds typically are not as consequential as those mentioned earlier, but, to me at least, they are nonetheless, personal failures.  They can, and often do, hurt.

During a hopefully long life, we are provided myriad opportunities to support our family, friends and co-workers.  Most of you who join me each week, are friends, and merely by reading my weekly thoughts, have demonstrated a care and loyalty which carries me through those times when I most need some form of abetment.  My life here, has been made richer by our conversations.  Your comments have always been welcomed and your encouragement spurs me to continue to keep you informed.  I have written with the intent to give others hope.  There is much suffering and many trials in this world, and we require some amount of understanding and support to see our way through.

I had been contemplating writing of some specific instances, in my life, as examples of failure and success in providing loyalty.   I realized that to do so, might not be appropriate.  Those who have given or received commitment, know who you are.  Those who have broken a trust, will likely already have tasted remorse.  I will let you in on several opportunities with which I was confronted  as they pertain to my life in business.

I know there were a number of instances, in which I have failed.  Probably too many.  At one point early in my working life, I was ordered by my superior to fire a VP in Western Canada.  I did not think this to be deserved.  But for some unknown reason, my boss did not like him.  I was told that I would do the deed, or we both would be let go.  To this day, I regret not "going down with the ship".  One can rationalize that I needed to work.  I had a dependent family, replete with mortgage and monthly bills.  But I did not behave like the man I aspired to be.  My subservience caused a good man pain which he did not deserve.

At AFFLINK, a financial reporting issue arose, and I was involved in a difficult situation.  I tendered my resignation,  as it was my employee, who was responsible for a signifiant error.  The offer was declined and we both worked to correct the mistake and we both retained our jobs.  Loyalty counts.  Morally and ethically.

The truth is that had I not followed orders, I would have been terminated in the first case, and was not in the second.   Small examples of what we all have faced in our business lives.  Our personal lives need to be off limits.  I could probably write a book.  A tell-all book.  And that is not going to happen.  No way Jose.

On the health front, my arm continues to heal.  Very slowly, as my surgeon said it would. The plastic covering is still held in place, by a thread.  Literally.  I will not lift it and show you a pic of the raw arm.  Still a bit gruesome for public consumption.  The Child Bride cannot even tolerate a look.  And she has seen me with some tough wounds.

Kath has been hacking away, night and day, for well over a week.  She has displayed a lower than normal body temperature, as well as an extremely low blood pressure reading.  Then she showed elevated temps.  All over the place.  Something is definitely amiss.

Everything came back to normalcy and she was able to get a blood draw, in preparation for her upcoming doctor visit.  Sleeping has proven to be non-existant for both of us.

We both believe that we might well have had the virus.  Our doctor arranged for her to be tested, but she declined.  She wants to stay home and get better.  I cannot disagree.

Hang with us.  We will keep you abreast of what and where we are, while we engage with the virus.  Hopefully we will have more accurate information next week.  maybe.

Kath's teaching (virtually) is going very well.  Lots of snags.  But she loves her kids, and she is over the moon talking with them every day.  She is one happy girl.

Played golf today.  Which is why I am late.  Had a great round, walking the big course.  But I am bagged, and my back is acting up.  I will be fine after a good night's sleep.

I love you, my friends.  Hang in and tune in next week, for real loyalty.

From Florida to you.  Hugs and love.  Rosie's home.  Finally.  Two months in hospital isolation.  She is on the mend.

                                                  Two of my favorite people in the world.


  1. We love and appreciate you so much. You bring inspiration to many. Hang in there, hope to see you when the world get's back to "normal". Or at least the "new normal".. Love ya.


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