


In My Bloodstream: Lisinopril,  Amlodopine,  Omeprazole, Tamsulosin
On The Stereo: Humble And Kind: Tim McGraw

Where to begin.....

                                                                   Maccy comes home.

Thank you to Nextep Partner's V.P. Technology for repairing our Mac and ensuring we did not lose any of the stored data.  We have been lost without a computer and remiss in replying to many messages sent by friends.  Doug is a technological Mozart, and has given us back a masterpiece.  I thought there was no hope in retrieving my life from the crypt of a frozen hard drive, but here we are.  All intact.  I can begin a series of replies to all of you who must have thought me dead - or worse - just plain rude.

Donna, thank you for your most eloquent story.

I had asked Donna for her help in keeping the blog alive.  My story has been from the perspective of a survivor of stage 4 melanoma.  It encompasses the necessary requirements for that to happen.  Faith, family, friends and medicine.  Donna is now living a cancer story - and obviously not by choice.  

When we talked to Donna and Paul, which we do, religiously, every Friday evening, she told us about her prognosis.  Pancreatic cancer.  That news is in itself, a mortal blow.  How she conveyed that message, what she planned to do, and how her family and friends reacted, were most impressive.  Kat and I were in awe.  Simply amazed.  She was humble and uplifting.  She held her head high, and was forthright in delivering us the news.  She was ready to fight.

This all happened before Christmas.  I asked Donna if she would do a "guest spot"for me, as I was techno-bereft at that time.  I reminded her that my blog was a survivor story and I thought hers might be as well.  I mentioned how therapeutic the writing was for me and perhaps might help her better understand her own feelings.  And lastly, her words would be made history.  Her family and friends would have her story forever.  In her words.  She wasted no time in deciding.   And you were witness to the outcome.  Several of you have written back to me and we have passed your words on to her.

Recent news from the Great White North is good.  Donna  has received the results of her first scan - post chemotherapy.  Tumors have shown some contraction, and Donna and Paul are delighted.  It will be a long road for them, but at least the first steps are in the right direction.  She is planning her first venture outside in months, to walk with her friend,  Marilyn, and talks about coming south in the fall, to have her first alcoholic beverage with us - my special, most excellent Mullen martini - the cup of kindness she loves.

               A mart for Donna and a Macallan for Paul.  I had to drink them both - my tribute.

As a tangential note, the Duggan's home is in Kenora, Ontario, on Cony Island.  It is not really habitable in winter, due to the fact that it is, in fact, on an island without a bridge, and their neighbors,  in winter, are bears and wolves.  They normally winter in our development, but because of the Covid shutdown, they are renting an apartment in Kenora.  They are somewhat homeless at this point.  And you might want to check the weather in their area.  There are not many places colder.

                                                        At their Kenora home, late summer.

Any thoughts and prayers for Donna, Paul, and their family would be welcomed, I'm sure.

And a huge thanks to my little Kristin.  She stepped right up, took charge, contacted Donna directly, and published the story, adding her own introduction.  I am not only thankful;  I am very proud of her.  I know few people as kind.  And we truly love our "Little Girl".  Doug concurs.

I have much to tell you about my health and thoughts, but that can wait.

I will continue, back on schedule next week.

I will not complain about our weather.  You would not be amused, considering what the rest of the country is receiving.

Love from your Florida friend.

Stay well.


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