Get Up


Get Up

In My Bloodstream: Lisinopril,  Amlodopine,  Omeprazole, Tamsulosin and Keytruda, Yervoy,  Anti-diarrhea and Prednisone

On The Stereo: Get Up: Caitlin Canty

Thank you, Kath, for letting our friends know that there is still life left in the old boy.

The past few weeks have proven a challenge.  The same old symptoms of Yervoy came roaring back.  And that means they poured through my southern hemisphere.  Disgusting.  Not only that, but I have lost my appetite.  Completely.  Whatever we agree the meal to be, I cannot fathom even looking at it after it has been prepared.   Much food has gone to waste.   I have tried  to chew on small portions of anything to take in some protein, with minimal success.  As a result, I, too am wasting (waisting) away.  I have diminished from about 180 lbs. to the mid 150's.  My friend is very worried.  Probably rightfully so.

Incredible fatigue has been impossible to shake.  I move from one prone position to another.  My head feels like cement block on my shoulders.  It demands to be supported by a bed or couch.  It will not stay up.  Muscle mass has melted away.

But we remain committed to beating this cancer.

The good news has been that on our frequent visits to Moffitt, there have been no discussion of my imminent departure.  In fact, our medical team has been most active in organizing new plans -  plans to shrink the melanoma mass so fixed on being the death of me.  Since the side effects of the Yervoy have been sapping whatever is left of my strength, and destroying my stomach, while  ridding me of any nutrients, we are forced to adopt other ways to regain weight and strength.  

We have been taking more, smaller, and mostly healthy snacks.  I will eat sweets, when I feel a need for a sugar bump.  Boost, the drink has been a calorie staple.  Short walks have been valuable when the stifling heat has allowed.

Often, the chemical imbalance has forced me to rest, or even have the occasional nap.  Since my sleep pattern has been demolished entirely, due to never-ending bathroom trips, the odd time spent as a couch potato, has really helped.  Thankfully, golf has taken center stage, and has been on for most every day.  And the tournament has been exciting.  A bonus.

Our exit from Afghanistan has been controversial and been by covered by most every news station.  Could not watch it for long.  I required more uplifting viewing.

College football has finally started!  It is officially the beginning of fall television.  Something finally worth watching. This year Alabama will have graduated three of their most recent starters into the pros.  So Kath will even have to cheer for New England.  She is also anxious to see Miami and the Eagles, as well as or own Tampa Bay.  I was fortunate to marry a sports maniac (like her Mom), and there are never arguments about what to watch in our house.  Tampa Bay baseball and hockey are also always on her list.  No reality tv.

Other than my gut issues, I feel well.  When the weather becomes a fraction cooler, my exercise regime will improve.  

Kath recently bought me a new head cover and a "dragon" ball marker.  She has faith.  In my fight and my longevity.  And that I am going to play a game again.  I will target Wednesday with some buddies.  Got to keep a dream alive.

My head cover was a replacement, and an exact replica of my last one, which after years, gave up the ghost.  It is a lion's head, the spitting image of one of our real friend, Walter.  Walter is a New Yorker who closely resembles Rod Stewart.  Kath did not want me to leave my friend behind.  She made a good decision.  

On the medical front, we will be at Moffitt on Tuesday.  We will have a CT scan on my head, have a mask made, and see my new radiologist, who impressed me greatly with his energy, enthusiasm and conviction. 

My melanoma mass has reached, both inside my skull and coincidentally has created significant bumps on the top of my head.  I am about an inch taller right now.

His plan is to irradiate all of it.  Heavy doses.  On a schedule to be agreed to at our meeting.  He plans to arrest the dangerous mass which oversees my brain, and eliminate or, at least reduce the nasty bump, as well.  We will see.  Anything should improve what is happening to me right now.

I am still struggling with neuropathy, fatigue and focus.  And I do not know what my proposed radiology schedule might be.  I suspect  those sessions and their side-effects will not be easy.  So, while my commitment for any future blogs remains firm, my ability may well be fluid.

If any of you would like to help out and offer your thoughts or stories, I would be most pleased to share them with my friends.  Do not be bashful.  Any short note would help.

I do plan to be here next week, but I already told you about plans.  They still make God laugh.

Thank you for the many lovely notes and prayers.  Love to each and every one of you.

Thank you.  Roll Tide.


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