


In My Bloodstream: Lisinopril,  Amlodopine,  Omeprazole, Tamsulosin and Keytruda - and now Yervoy,  Anti-diarrhea and Steroids (Prednisone)

On The Stereo: Radioactive: Imagine Dragons

And now I have completed my sixth dose of radiation.

And how was the experience, you might ask.

The schedule which was given me on my first visit was excellent.  Every date and time proposed made for an easy drive.  Nothing was scheduled around school bus or higher traffic times.

And we know what happens to plans.

We arrived on Sept. 10th at 10 am to find the time had been moved to 5 pm.

This is what Robin began writing on October 5th.  It is now December 12th and you are due an update.

Robin completed the radiation on his head and then was scheduled additional treatment on his spine.  This was delivered in five doses at the end of October.  He was then granted a reprieve and we waited for the radiation to work its magic.  However,  he began to experience excruciating pain in his back.  Walking, standing and moving from one position to another became a challenge.  We returned to the radiation clinic at Moffitt on November 16th and the team immediately prescribed pain killers for him.  Scans were  arranged for November 29th.  Sadly, the scans revealed that the cancer had not retreated, but instead was continuing to grow and spread throughout his body - bones, lymph nodes, spleen, lungs.  His oncological team at Moffitt has made arrangements for him to enter a new clinical trial which is to begin this week.  It is designed for patients who have undergone surgery, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy but continue to see their cancer flourish.  Candidates may have different types of cancer, but all will possess the same mutation.  His oncologist has explained that this is his only hope for remission.  We are preparing to move to comfort care.

Robin has lost over 30 pounds and sleeps much of the time.  He continues to suffer with back pain and now endures congestion in his lungs.  He is gravely ill.

However, he continues to entertain me with his wit and wraps me in his love.  He is grateful that Alabama is back at number 1 and hopefully headed to the National Championship in January.  For now, he is safe in our home.  He appreciates calls from friends and Facetime with relatives, but tires easily, so visits are short.  Our neighbors have been kind and generous with their time when we need help.  We are blessed to be together.

That was yesterday.  Today is different.  Last night Robin was disoriented and in pain.  He could not stand and had a temperature of 102.  

Today is December 15th.  Robin spent two days in hospital being treated for pneumonia.  Finally, he was transported to hospice yesterday afternoon.  He was gone in four hours.  My heart is broken.

His long struggle with metastatic melanoma is over.  The story ends.


  1. You have been an angel in his life. He loved you with all his heart as we know you loved him also. . If there is anything that can spare you this pain, we would certainly send it, but we all know that you have to endure some pain to get relief. May you know that his journey was something that touched all of our hearts as he gave his inspirational thoughts to all of us. He will be missed, he will be loved, he will be at peace.

  2. I can’t tell you how heartbroken we are to hear that! We think he’s the strongest bravest man we’ve ever known. He endured so much and still kept his sense of humor. We miss you guys so much at Renaissance. We talk about you often and laugh about the good times we shared. We’ve always kept the can of Coors Robin gave Bob with a note attached “To sober up”. Guess we will need to pop the top and have a toast to send him off ( I’m sure it’s still good 😉). Much love and prayers coming your way. You will both always be in our hearts. The Siekmanns

  3. All our love to Robin, Kath and the family

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